Professor - Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering
Adjunct Professor - Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Yu Gu’s main research interest is to improve robots’ ability to function in increasingly
complex environments and situations. He directs the Interactive Robotics Laboratory
(IRL) and plays a leadership role in developing the
robotics program at WVU. Gu is a NASA Centennial Challenge winner and a
NASA NIAC Fellow. His research was featured in over 70 news stories by media outlets
such as the Discovery Channel, Wired, NASA 360, ABC News, Time Warner Cable, Aviation
Week, and Air & Space Smithsonian Magazine
Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University 2004
M.S., Control Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1999
B.S., Automatic Controls, Shanghai University 1996