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Shika Sharma

Professor of Geology

  • Co-organizer and Co-chair of several energy-environment focused sessions in National AAPG and AGU and GSA conferences
  • Represented WVU Energy-Environment research program at several Congressional and Alumni events in Charleston and Washington DC
  • Spearheaded several energy and environment outreach activities in West Virginia, Germany and India
  • Served on the “Shale Energy Resource Alliance” committee set up by DOE-NETL to decide the research path for understanding shallow stray gas and cementing issues related to hydraulic fracturing.
  • Panelist and Proposal Reviewer for several national federal, state and non-profit agencies like NSF, EPA-STAR, ACS-PRF, Sloan Foundation, NWIR etc.
  • Journal Article reviewer >20 international peer review journals


Lucknow University, India – Ph.D., Geology, 1998

Lucknow University, India – M.S., Geology, 1993