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Russell K. Dean

Professor Emeritus - Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering

Dean joined the faculty in Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering in 1979 as an assistant professor. While a full-time faculty member he conducted research in engineering education methods, was responsible for oversight of the sophomore mechanics sequence for a number of years and served as Director of Graduate Programs for 4 years. In 1989 he joined the Provost's Office as Assistant Vice President for Curriculum and Instruction in which role he was responsible for central oversight of all academic programs. Since 1999, Dean has served as Associate Provost with responsibilities for oversight of academic budgets and facilities, and serves for the Provost in his absence. Dean retired from his position as Vice Provost for the Statler College in 2017. 


Ph.D., West Virginia University, 1981 

M.S. Mechanical Engineering, West Virginia University, 1976

B.S. Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, 1974