Teaching Associate Professor - Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering
Hazbon began his professional career as an assistant professor at the school of aeronautical engineering at UPB university in Medellin where he combined his teaching with the research and development of UAV systems. In 2008, he was appointed as the aeronautical engineering school director where he managed several consultancy and academic projects with industry. In 2014, he started his research in automatic flight control tolerant to air data sensor failures, earning his Ph.D. in 2001. Hazbon has broad experience in the design, construction and flight test of model aircraft as well as small turbojet engines. In 2022, he joined the MMAE department at WVU as an assistant professor.
Ph.D., Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2021
Master of Aerospace Engineering by Coursework, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2004
Mechanical Engineer, Universidad Industrial de Santander, 2001